DIY Pet First Aid Kit — Do You Have What You Need?

Aimee Beck
5 min readJun 22, 2021

Although we do our best as pet parents to keep our little furballs safe, inevitably, they’ll still find ways to get a booboo in one way or another. C’est la vie! No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to prevent every injury, but you can do your best to be well prepared to handle emergencies when they arise.

First of all … do you have a pet first aid kit? You should.

Do you know what goes into a pet first first aid kit? We’ll tell you. In fact, we’ll show you how to compile all the necessary tools, ointments, bandages, and more. Plus, we’ll show you how to make some of this stuff yourself. Who wants to spend money on overpriced products you can make at home? Not us!

OK, let’s do it …

Pet First Aid Kit Checklist

Here is a list of things to include in your first aid kit. Do you need to have all of these things? Not really. But the more you have, the more prepared you’ll be for any incident. Start with the stuff that’s bolded:

Fortunately, you can make some of these items at home for a lot less money than buying them retail.

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Aimee Beck
Aimee Beck

Written by Aimee Beck

Independent Content Marketing Manager | SEO/UX Copywriter | Editor. Let me breathe new life into your web pages, blog posts and email campaigns. Email me today!

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