Intestinal Worms: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Aimee Beck
2 min readFeb 2, 2021

Worms are internal parasites often found in domestic pets.

The five most well-known types of intestinal worms are:

Worms can cause your pet serious discomfort, and can be fatal to puppies. These parasites affect the digestive organs, causing major issues like diarrhea, weight loss and anemia.

Symptoms of Worms

Signs your pet may have worms include:

More serious symptoms may also be present, but can be more difficult to identify without a vet visit:

Heartworms may also cause respiratory symptoms such as coughing, weak pulse and lethargy. In extreme cases, heartworms can cause labored breathing and pale gums. If not swiftly treated, heartworms can be fatal.

What Causes Worms?

Intestinal worms are most often ingested (eaten), but there are other ways that these parasites can infect your pet:

Diagnosing Worms

Sometimes you’ll be able to see the worms in your pet’s stool. If you don’t see worms, but suspect they might be there, call your vet immediately.

Roundworms and hookworms aren’t visible to the naked eye. Your vet will have to view your pet’s stool under a microscope to…



Aimee Beck

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