STOP Feeding Your Pets These Dangerous, Potentially Fatal Foods

Aimee Beck
8 min readJul 21, 2021

You love your pets. We do too. We talk to pets like they’re human, we love them like they’re human, and sometimes we want to feed them like they’re human. But here’s the deal … they’re not human.

Pets have very different digestive systems than humans. What may be a delicious treat for you may be extremely dangerous (if not fatal) to your pet.

Today we’ll talk about all kinds of potentially dangerous foods you should NOT feed your pets, no matter how tempting. It’s a pretty extensive list, so let’s dive right in.

Fruits & Veggies

Before we dive into all the fruits and veggies your pets can and can’t eat, we should mention that many of the seeds and/or pits can be dangerous when consumed. That’s because many of them contain cyanide. Yes, poison. They can also have sharp, jagged edges that can get lodged in the digestive tract causing a dangerous obstruction.

Be careful your pet doesn’t eat the seeds or pits of:

  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • Apricots
  • Cherries
  • Persimmons
  • Avocados
  • Plums

Grapes & Raisins



Aimee Beck

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